Colorado Chapter Membership
The GACC Colorado Chapter is always happy to welcome new members to the network. We serve 100+ members in Colorado and an extensive network of members and National Partners nationwide. Below you can find an overview of our membership benefits and levels. Feel free to reach out to our Executive Director to set up an introductory meeting.
If you would like to get your company engaged in a powerful community of German-American and international businesses, the Corporate or Small Business Membership is perfect for you. You will gain access to our strong network and be featured in the membership directory so that other businesses can find you. You will also get access to the Member Landing Spot at the newly upgraded GACC Midwest office in Chicago during your business trips. Check out all other benefits in the table below.
If you have a nationwide business, you will benefit most from becoming a National Partner of all GACC offices in the US. Learn more about the National Partner program here.
If you are German or have some personal connection with Germany, the Associate Membership will be a great fit for you. You will receive a member discount for all GACC-CO events and be encouraged to become part of the GACC-CO community and to attend our social events.
If you are currently enrolled as a student and would like to meet international companies and contacts, the Student Membership will be for you. As a partner of the Global Young Leaders in Dialogue (GYLD), the GACC-CO will encourage you to join this networking platform for international minded, young professionals in Denver. You can find a detailed overview of the different membership levels and benefits below.
The applicant hereby understands and agrees to pay the annual membership dues as a member of the GACC Colorado Chapter.